Monday, December 4, 2017

Sicily, the land of cannoli, brioscia, arancina and hopefully a couple baptisms.

Yep, I have now made my way to the island of Sicily! I didn't really think that it could get better than Napoli, but some how I lucked out. I'm in the city of Palermo. Saying goodbye to the members, investigators, pizza and the city of Napoli was hard, I'll never get used to leaving a city or the people I meet, but I am stoked to see what Sicily has in hand this transfer. I have a great companion who likes to work hard and I can already tell I'm going to love it here. 

So, side note, Italy doesn't sell eggnog.... Weird right? Well, I really like eggnog, so I decided I was going to try and make some. So with optimism in the air, a heck of a lot of eggs and the song 'Joy To The World' playing in the background, we put on our aprons and started. The further in the process we got, the more worried I became, it wasn't easy! What should have been a complete disaster turned into some pretty good eggnog! I don't really know how, but it actually tasted like the stuff you buy from the stores. 

In my studying this week, I came across a scripture talking about the love of Christ, which is something we are trying to share this Christmas season. In Romans 8:38, 39 it says 
"38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
It's pretty comforting to think that nothing can separate us from that love that Christ has for us. No matter how many times we mess up, He is still there and still loves us! I hope all of you can feel that love this Christmas season and share that with others. Thanks for all that you, much love coming over here from Italy!

Anziano Andersen 🚀
Romans 1: 15&16   


  1. From Napoli to Sicily Island now? These are places I've only ever heard of in stories and Movies. They made their own eggnog?! Wow, That is bold. I love hearing the scriptures and messages from general authorities that are meaningful to him. The spiritual growth he has had is undeniable, he is a super missionary.

  2. Also, on a funny note, if you look at the top photo of Cole he is wearing his companions name tag.

  3. Elder, my wife and I will be in Sicily from March 29th through April 8. We will be visiting the towns where my grandmother and grandfather were born which are Mazara and Castelvetrano. How would I find some missionaries that could help translate for us as we hope to find family members. My brother was there a couple of years ago and found where family members live (sadly they were on vacation at the time and so he didn't get a chance to meet them) but was told they didn't speak english at all. So I would be nice to be able to converse with them. Thanks. you can reach me at
