A Month of Changes, Lawn Care, and Easter
I want to share something I learned from the Doctrine Covenants: "Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not." (D&C 6 36). There will be times in your life when your testimony wavers, people may tear down what you believe, and make you second guess everything. When that happens, turn to what you do believe to know is true. An apostle once said 'to doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith'. Be confident in the testimony you have, even if its small. You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the love and support!! Hope everyone has a good week!
This week was a little bit slower. We unfortunately had a lot of lessons fall through and one of our awesome investigators found work a couple hours north and decided to move. It was hard to hear the news, but I'm glad he was able to find work. I guess this upcoming week we are just going to have to find another person as ready as he was!! On Wednesday night we went over and helped teach a member. We were teaching about the restoration of the church and my companion used a Rubix Cube doing it! Haha, he can solve one of those things wicked fast, it was cool to watch. We also had an awesome weekend!
There were so many different things I enjoyed about conference.
Another fun week in Brindisi! This week we had Zone Conference on Monday so we had our Pday on Tuesday instead. This week has had its ups and downs. I'll get the sad news out of the way first. Monday morning we had some guys come and take a bunch of stuff out of our apartment that wasn't ours and was just kind of taking up space. Well I guess they thought my pull-up bar was apart of that junk! When I got home Monday night and I saw that my pull-up bar was missing, it was one of the hardest nights in the mission! Some how I made it through though. It's okay though, accidents happen.
This upcoming Sunday a lot of us will be celebrating Easter by painting eggs, eating chocolate and being together as families! But we are also celebrating something much more important. That is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He leads the path to all happiness, joy and peace in this world and the world to come! He did it all so that we might be able to live again! This Easter we should all try and live more as the Savior did, and look for the blessings that we can bring to the lives of others! Love you all! Have a good rest of the week!!
Buona Pasquetta tutti! Here in Italy we don't just celebrate Easter on Sunday, nope we celebrate the day after as well! I hope everyone had a good Easter! We had the wonderful opportunity to be fed by someone in our branch! Oh man, I don't think I've ever been more full in my life! It was delicious! Right before we left they told us to call if it started raining (as it had earlier today), and we agreed and started our long journey home. Well about 10 minutes into our trek, it just started to just down pour. We soon realized that we had forgotten our phone at home. As we continued in the down pouring rain some gentleman stopped and offered us ride. We gladly agreed, and had a nice conversation with him. After the short ride we thanked him and wished him a happy Easter.
Earlier this week while doing finding, we met these two little kids who were around 7 or 8 years old. Well they were a little curious about who we were, so they approached us and asked us. About a hundred questions later, we walked away with two kids handing out the pass along cards with us. We soon convinced them that they should probably go home because their parents were wondering where they were, but told them they could give the cards to everyone in their family. The kids happily agreed and we went our separate ways.
Alma 11:42 states "Now, there is a death which is called a temporal death; and the death of Christ shall loose the bands of this temporal death, that all shall be raised from this temporal death". Jesus Christ made it possible for all of us live again after death. I am so grateful for His resurrection, and the perfect plan our Heavenly Father has for us. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Have a good week!
Anziano Andersen⛷⚽
When Mom gives you money to ride! |
When she doesn't.... |
See Mom! I really do keep things clean! |
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